If you need lodging for any of the workshops and events conducted at the Fiber Garden, please visit the LODGING PAGE for Air BnB, hotel, and camping options.

2025 Ireland Sheep-to-Shawl Tour
September 13 - September 26

Ireland!! If you have landed on this page, you must be interested in joining our tour. Great idea…YAY for YOU!
Please make sure you have read ALL information on the tour webpage. You will need the following (if you have them) to complete the reservation form: passport information, Trusted Traveler number, airline loyalty program numbers. Requests are handled first-come, first-served. Space is limited and single rooms are very limited.
You will receive a personal email from deb@fibergarden.com once your reservation has been received and reviewed. Then, if we confirm your space, start looking forward to a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Let’s travel!
Deb Jones, Owner
Fiber Garden LLC